Mission 2 |

School Under Siege
Click on a step number to proceed through the mission:

Step 1
Nab the first crystal shard to get to step 2.
Oh no, the Doom Tracker is down to zero!

Click on a step number to proceed through the mission:

Step 2
Second crystal shard grabbed? On to step 3!
Oh no, the Doom Tracker is down to zero!

Click on a step number to proceed through the mission:

Step 3
Get that third crystal shard and get going to step 4.
Oh no, the Doom Tracker is down to zero!

Click on a step number to proceed through the mission:

Step 4
Get all those shards to the school to complete the mission!
Oh no, the Doom Tracker is down to zero!

Here are the conditions to win or lose the mission:

Pick up all three Crystal Shards, and carry them back to the School before Minions tear the place down!

If the Doom Tracker reaches zero, the School is completely engulfed in flames, and it’s Game Over!

You win!
You've saved the lab, but Rumble's mech is gone! Could this be the villany of some completely new enemy?

You lost!
Technically the fire is out. But the lab is also completely destroyed. So you lose.